Perhaps Today Ministries Welcomes a New Board Member - Tom Dardick

By Sherry Myers

Perhaps Today Ministries is proud to welcome Tom Dardick as its newest board member, effective April 2015.

Tom and his wife Kathleen have two teenage children - a son named Collyn and a daughter named Geneva. 

Tom has a very entrepreneurial spirit and performs in a project-based manner, always seeking to build something.  His main business is Dardick Inter-personal Communications where he acts as a consultant, helping organizations with "people strategies" by putting in place systems that identify and align purpose.  He is also working on an open-chamber technology gun system that will be the rebirth of a family legacy.  A man of many talents, Tom and one of his brothers are currently co-writing a novel, and Tom enjoys performing in a classic rock band - Second Time Thru.  Tom also plays drums and guitar in his church's worship band, sings in the choir, is an elder in the church, and is on the discipleship committee.

Tom met Cheryl, the CEO of Perhaps Today Ministries, through a mutual networking group about a year ago where she was introduced to him and read some of his articles.  The mission and vision of PTM clicked with Tom, who appreciates their calling to help those who, otherwise, might not receive the kind of support that PTM offers.  Tom also supports Cheryl as a person in a shared network.  Because of all of these qualities, Tom is a great match as a board member.

In his spare time, Tom enjoys walks with his wife, workouts with his son, and going to recitals or watching shows with his daughter.  Tom feels that his greatest success in life is the quality of relationships within his family.  His favorite recurring theme in the Bible is “Fear not," and he feels that so many of our lives are controlled by fear, though our charge is to NOT be fearful.  Another favorite note in scripture is, “The truth will set you free.” 

Tom is very much a seeker of freedom and desires to understand the nature of freedom.  He feels the key to life is to not set expectations that you cannot keep and “be in the moment,” right where you are, which helps to avoid stress.