October 2015
Fundraiser Cancellation

Unfortunately, our 2015 Fall Fundraiser has been canceled. Due to some unforeseen circumstances I needed to cancel the fundraiser for this year. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause
anyone. (Continue reading)
How Eight Became Ten

The month of October has its own story. It used to be the 8th month. (Continue
Eliminate Automatic Negative Thoughts
Killing the Ants

We’ve been looking at Steps in the series on step-by-step thinking principles used by Daniel G. Amen, MD in his article on ANT THERAPY (eradicating Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTS)). Now
we will identify 9 specific species of ANTS (Automatic Negative Thoughts) in order to take their power away over our lives. Particularly harmful ants will be highlighted red. This month we will
look at the first three. (Continue reading)
Making a Difference - With Pink Hands of Hope

Where women in need are ministered to and can receive, free of charge, wigs, clothing, and other non-pharmaceutical products to help with the effects of chemo. (Continue reading)
Hope Springs Eternal

My faith tempers my worry about what mankind will do. (Continue
6 Tips to Stay Mentally Sharp as You Age

We’re all getting older, but that doesn’t mean our brains need to show the same signs of aging that our bodies do. (Continue reading)